Receiving personal mail from a friend is a thrill for most people. While most are used to getting lots of junk mail and bills, getting something personal lifts one's spirits. The amount of correspondence, coupons, bills, and other items sent and received daily is astounding. Opening each one can be a pain. Fortunately, using a letter opener envelope slitter can keep you from paper cuts and make processing items a breeze.
Businesses with high volumes need to use the electronic openers. They typically have a manual and automatic option. For the automatic usage, take a large stack of envelopes that are the same size and put them in the hopper. Hit the start button and they slide through individually and are quickly opened. The top is sliced off, leaving the contents intact.
Novelty shapes include swords. These are pretty popular since they are miniature versions of popular swords from movies and real life. Japanese and European types are very common and popular. Having one of these on your desk will impress most visitors. Some are shaped after swords that are found in popular games.
Wood and antique types are very elegant. The wood used for these is typically a very fine hard wood. The detail that is paid when creating these is amazing. The handles often include intricate designs. This type can be passed on from one generation to the next and makes an excellent gift for a business person in your life.
Small magnetic slitters are popular promotional items. They are usually plastic and shaped in a rectangle with an open thin piece the slides into the opening of an envelope. The blade, in the end, is sharp but protected to keep from accidentally touching or cutting yourself. Their size is small enough for a pocket or purse. Many can be found stuck to refrigerators or cubical walls.
Box cutter styles are becoming more desired. They have the break away blades just like the regular box cutters. They're smaller than a regular box cutter since they're designed specifically to open letters with the retractable blade. Since these resemble actual box cutters they would not be allowed in travel situations where there are security concerns.
Promotional items come in various styles. The small, plastic version is used a lot and often has a magnet so it can stick to the refrigerator or a cubical wall. Other styles, including the long handle style, are able to be imprinted with a company logo or phrase. Because they're used daily, they provide a great way to get your company name in front of customers constantly.
Opening letters is easy with these items. Not only do you prevent paper cuts, but you also do not end up destroying the envelope the correspondence came in. It is often important to save the envelope in business situations to retain the post mark date. Whether personalized, promotional, sophisticated, or automatic, these save time and money and can make a statement.
Businesses with high volumes need to use the electronic openers. They typically have a manual and automatic option. For the automatic usage, take a large stack of envelopes that are the same size and put them in the hopper. Hit the start button and they slide through individually and are quickly opened. The top is sliced off, leaving the contents intact.
Novelty shapes include swords. These are pretty popular since they are miniature versions of popular swords from movies and real life. Japanese and European types are very common and popular. Having one of these on your desk will impress most visitors. Some are shaped after swords that are found in popular games.
Wood and antique types are very elegant. The wood used for these is typically a very fine hard wood. The detail that is paid when creating these is amazing. The handles often include intricate designs. This type can be passed on from one generation to the next and makes an excellent gift for a business person in your life.
Small magnetic slitters are popular promotional items. They are usually plastic and shaped in a rectangle with an open thin piece the slides into the opening of an envelope. The blade, in the end, is sharp but protected to keep from accidentally touching or cutting yourself. Their size is small enough for a pocket or purse. Many can be found stuck to refrigerators or cubical walls.
Box cutter styles are becoming more desired. They have the break away blades just like the regular box cutters. They're smaller than a regular box cutter since they're designed specifically to open letters with the retractable blade. Since these resemble actual box cutters they would not be allowed in travel situations where there are security concerns.
Promotional items come in various styles. The small, plastic version is used a lot and often has a magnet so it can stick to the refrigerator or a cubical wall. Other styles, including the long handle style, are able to be imprinted with a company logo or phrase. Because they're used daily, they provide a great way to get your company name in front of customers constantly.
Opening letters is easy with these items. Not only do you prevent paper cuts, but you also do not end up destroying the envelope the correspondence came in. It is often important to save the envelope in business situations to retain the post mark date. Whether personalized, promotional, sophisticated, or automatic, these save time and money and can make a statement.
About the Author:
Buying a letter opener envelope slitter has never been easier thanks to the convenience of the Web. Simply log on to this online page now at and enjoy your shopping experience with us.
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