Thursday, April 4, 2019

Regularly Including Spanish Fort Fresh Seafood In Your Diet Helps Control Osteoarthritis

By Cynthia Meyer

Most of the time, joint pain is brought about by osteoarthritis. Just like what the name reveals, it is a type of arthritis. Experts say that it is actually the most common form of the joint disease. Contrary to popular belief, it's not just the elderly that can suffer from osteoarthritis but also younger adults. An effective way to keep it at bay is by regularly adding some Spanish Fort fresh seafood to the diet, in particular oily types of fish like mackerel, salmon, trout and tuna.

The reason why the said types of fish are great for your joints is the fact that they are packed with what's known as omega-3 fatty acids. Actually, they are commonly recommended by doctors to their patients who are diagnosed with heart disease or at high risk of it. Individuals who are being bugged by joint pain may also take advantage of omega-3 fatty acids.

According to health authorities, omega-3 fatty acids are very good at reducing inflammation. Joints that are afflicted with osteoarthritis feel painful because of inflammation. What's more, inflammation is also the reason why they tend to feel stiff most especially in the morning or after being physically inactive for a long period of time.

You may be aware of the fact that the wearing of the cartilage of the joints is the one that can cause osteoarthritis. In some cases, it can be due to physical injuries and the normal process of aging. According to experts, in certain instances the root cause is the immune system of an individual. Osteoarthritis may strike if the overactive immune cells believe that cartilages are harmful to the body such as disease-causing viruses and bacteria.

Because omega-3 fatty acids have the ability to regulate the immune system, they can be extremely helpful for people whose osteoarthritis is brought about by a faulty immunity. By keeping the immune system from springing into action unnecessarily, the joints can be kept from ending up inflamed. Reducing inflammation allows the affected joints to hurt less even without the intake of painkillers known to cause unfavorable side effects and serious risks.

Fish that's oily is actually very low in saturated fat. It only means that it is good for you if you're instructed by your doctor to shed off unwanted pounds. Most especially if your weight-bearing joints are the ones that are primarily affected by osteoarthritis, consuming oily fish regularly is good for you.

If truth be told, osteoarthritis can affect practically any joint in the body. However, it tends to strike the ones that support much of a person's body weight. It's for this reason exactly why this type or arthritis commonly affects the ankles, knees and hips. A lot of obese people also complain about achy lower backs.

Oily fish as well as various seafood types can help keep your joints in a healthy state. If you are suffering from osteoarthritis, make sure that you have them included to your diet as often as possible. For best results, see to it that the ones you consume are fresh.

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